Unless you started at 4 years old you probably had the thought “I started WRESTLING too LATE.” or “I wish I started wrestling earlier.”
I started wrestling in 5th grade maybe earlier than a lot of you guys, but still thought the same thing.
“If I started earlier I would be so much better.”
While this may or may not be true, I do know that the improvement I made from 5th grade to 11th was about the same as from 11th too 12th.
I wanted to wrestle Division 1 and was far better my competition.
How was I able to make such big improvements in one year?
There were several things I learned and implemented between my Junior and Senior year, but one thing that made a big difference was SPECIALIZATION.
Every practice/private my coach would focus on the same handful of positions and techniques.
The issue was not that I didn’t know enough moves, it was that I needed to be able to hit my moves against better opponents.
My focus was on perfecting the techniques against a variety of defensive situations. As well as, building a series of techniques that connected together to ensure I could score no matter what my opponents reaction was.
So I encourage you if you feel like you’re starting late, don’t try to LEARN EVERYTHING. Pick techniques that you like in each position and start mastering them. As your opponents stop the techniques add the details needed to still get the score.
Coach Ebed